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PNI Newsletter

3rd Issue, Spring 2023, available for you to download via the link

PNI Newsletter

1st Issue, Spring 2022

33. Corporate Compliance on a Global Scale: Legitimacy and Effectiveness

S. Manacorda, F. Centonze, co-eds. Springer, 2021, for more information https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-81655-1

32. Historical Pollution. Comparative Legal Responses to Environmental Crimes

F. Centonze, S. Manacorda co-eds., Springer, 2017, for more information, http://www.springer.com/la/book/9783319569369

31. Standard and Norms in the Area of Crime Prevention and Anticorruption in Sport...

E-Handbook, UNICRI and ISPAC co-eds, 2016

30. Protecting Cultural Heritage as a Common Good of Humanity: A Challenge for Criminal...

proceedings of the International Conference on "Protecting Cultural Heritage as a Common Good of Humanity: A Challenge for Criminal Justice", 13-15 December 2013, Courmayeur Mont Blanc, Italy, edited by Stefano Manacorda, Arianna Visconti, Ed. ISPAC 2014

29. Preventing Corporate Corruption: The Anti-Bribery Compliance Model

Stefano Manacorda, Francesco Centonze, Gabrio Forti, co-eds, Springer, 2014 for more information http://www.springer.com/social+sciences/criminology/book/978-3-319-04479-8

28. Beni culturarli e sistema penale

Stefano Manacorda, Arianna Visconti, co-eds, Vita e Pensiero, 2013, proceedings of the Conference on PREVENTION AND FIGHT AGAINST ILLICIT TRAFFICKING IN CULTURAL PROPERTY. THE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION, Milan, 16 January 2013, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

27. Cybercriminality: Finding a Balance between Freedom and Security

proceedings of the International Conference on "Cybercrime: Global Phenomenon and its Challanges", 2-4 December 2011, Courmayeur Mont Blanc, Italy, edited by Stefano Manacorda, Ed. ISPAC 2012

26. International Organized Crime: The African Experience

Selected papers and contributions from the International Conference on “International Organized Crime: The African Experience” Courmayeur Mont Blanc, Italy, 10-12 December 2010, Edited by John T. Picarelli, 2011

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